To reduce food loss problems in supermarket, our group is implementing measures such as raising awareness of "Temae-dori" (Take from front). In response to climate change, we are also promoting the reduction of environmental burdens, such as the use of plastics and CO₂ emissions, in order to achieve sustainable business.
In order to reduce food waste caused by expired food, group companies are implementing initiatives such as "Temae-dori (Take from front)" to raise awareness at stores. In addition, since 2003, RALSE has been outsourcing its food residues to the Bankei Recycle Center for composting. Approximately 10,000 tons are processed annually, and the compost is provided to the center's contracted farmers and to elementary and junior high schools in Sapporo City for their educational material gardens
Bankei Recycle Center
Since 2008, Universe has been working on a recycling-oriented vegetable sales program in which food residues are composted and provided to our partner agricultural produc
Eco-Vegetable Producers (Universe)
As the trend toward eliminating plastic is growing, our group is working to reduce the use of plastic shopping bags. In fiscal year 2021, the group's rejection rate for plastic shopping bags was 85.3%, compared with the average rejection rate of 77.1% * at food supermarket. Regarding cutlery distributed at stores, we are working to reduce the amount of plastic used by switching to paper and wooden materials and reducing the size of the cutlery, and by charging for products.
In order to realize a decarbonized society, our Group is working to reduce CO₂ emissions by introducing energy-saving equipment such as demand* monitoring and control devices, solar power generation systems, LED store lighting, reach-in cases, and switching to high-efficiency air conditioning systems.
Solar panels installed at Big House Shishiori store (BELJOIS) in December 2021.
ARCS group consider the issue of climate change to be an important issue that should be addressed across the group and recognize that the risks and opportunities associated with climate change have a significant impact on their business strategies. We agree with the recommendations of the Task Force on ClimateRelated Financial Disclosures (TCFD).
The Sustainability Promotion Committee is chaired by the Director and Executive Vice President and Executive Officer and its Secretary General is the General Manager of the Sustainability Promotion Office. The Sustainability Promotion Committee and the Compliance and Risk Management Committee work closely together to assess risks and discuss countermeasures, and report to the Board of Directors as necessary.
We have assumed a society in 2050 under two scenarios: "1.5°C" and "4°C" for the global average temperature increase compared to pre-industrial times by the end of this century. We also analyzed the opportunities and risks for our company in 2030 as far as the impact on our business can be foreseen. We have established specific initiatives to address the most important opportunities and risks, and are actively promoting them across the Group.
| Highly Significant Risk/Opportunity Items | Initiatives |
Risk | Carbon tax burden incurred | ・Install/update energy-efficient air conditioning, refrigeration,and freezing equipment, etc. ・Improve the efficiency of logistics operations through consolidation of distribution centers or modal shift. |
Increase in renewable energy investment costs | ・Expand the installation of photovoltaic power generation equipment | |
Opportunity | Reduction of food disposal costs | ・Improve the accuracy of merchandise purchase orders, processing and manufacturing plans, inventory control, etc. ・Recycle food residues. |
In order to achieve "the realization of a sustainable society and the growth of the Group" as stated in our Sustainability Promotion Policy, and to achieve sustainable value enhancement in terms of both "social and environmental value" and "economic value," we have established and are monitoring KPIs related to climate change that are closely related to the business activities of the food supermarket. The actual emissions and longterm targets for fiscal year 2021 are as follows.